Understanding MEV

MEV refers to the "Maximum Extractable Value", an economic phenomenon representing profit opportunities arising from on-chain transactions.

For example, a large swap on a DEX can cause token prices in a pool to fluctuate. Traders might explore the price difference in another pool to generate a positive surplus, and such arbitrage opportunities are considered MEV.

In general, arbitrage is considered an example of healthy MEV, as finding better quotes is vital in a free market and can benefit the end user.

On the other hand, toxic MEV can be detrimental. For example, when users trade with high slippage and are unaware of sandwich attacks or when the Solana network is congested due to heavy sniping.

Think Infinite

Urani is bringing state-of-the-art MEV minimization on the application layer, enabling uniquely secure trading on Solana.

Inspired by the world of extreme sports, where enmity and friendship coexist amidst thrilling moments, Urani's intent-based P2P arena offers the ultimate real-time infrastructure for order auction competition.

Anyone can become an MEV agent operator and build upon their favorite strategy to win these batches (we call it "bring your favorite strategy", or BYFS). The competition runs a little less than a second, and the winning operator takes a part of the surplus (the rest goes back to the users).

With no slippage, limit orders by design, a competitive liquidity marketplace, and novel price optimization, Urani establishes a positive-sum game for all parties: users, MEV agent operators, and the ecosystem (including market makers, DEXs, aggregators, or any liquidity sources).

Learn More about MEV